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oh wow these are stunning. and nostalgic!

i hope you dont mind a technical question, bc i am rather rubbish at colors - if i were to make moon phases, do you suggest a step over in hue or in reducing brightness? or both? to make the shadow. i know enough to simply keep the moonglow in place, but creating a shadow that still shows the moon's features means i'm moving the pixel colors over... somewhere. in the palette.

(2 edits)

So glad you like it.

Answering your question, it depends on the pallete your are using. The more colors in your pallette, the more easy will be for lightning and shadowing; however i would recommend steping over your color pallete.

I share with you this example:

This are just examples but i think the third one looks better.

In both second and third row, i just reused the same colors that my pallette already have. (Of course, you can adapt it to your own pallette).

In the case i want, for example: the second row style but the shadow to be more darker. Beacuse that's the most "dark gray" that my pallette have, i would need to add that new color to my pallete and "reorganize my pallette".

Hope you find this answer helpful!
